On Fri, 31 Aug 2007 01:15:04 -0400, Roy Smith wrote:

> Carl Banks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Python really isn't suitable for in-flight controls for various
>> reasons, and mission critical concerns is a minor one (systems with
>> less underlying complexity tend to have fewer failure modes).  But
>> mostly it's raw throughput: Python is just too slow.  Flight control
>> computers have to be powerful enough make a ton of mathematical
>> calculations in a matter of milliseconds, and under strict weight and
>> power constraints.  The cost of running 100 times slower than optimal
>> is just too high.
> I'm not convinced that's true for all avionics uses.

Of course it's not.  I was talking about flight control, not avionics in 
general.  (Perhaps when single-engine Cessnas go digital we'll even see 
flight controllers in Python.)

Carl Banks

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