Steve Holden wrote:
> Ricardo Aráoz wrote:
>> Paddy wrote:
>>> On Sep 1, 7:57 am, "Hendrik van Rooyen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> "Richie Hindle" <> wrote:
>>>>> But - the word for someone who posts to the internet with the intention of
>>>>> stirring up trouble derives from the word for what fishermen do, not from
>>>>> the word for something that lives under a bridge.  It derives from 
>>>>> "trolling
>>>>> for suckers" or "trolling for newbies".
>>>> So am I right in asserting that there is a difference in pronunciation
>>>> of the noun and the verb?
>>>> He is a Troll - like the excellent frolic example
>>>> He likes to Troll - rhymes with roll?
>>>> - Hendrik
>>> No difference. A troll is a troll is a troll.
>>> :-)
>>> - Paddy.
>> BTW people , the word for what fishermen do is  T R A W L  and not troll
>> (Ha! and I'm not a native English speaker).
> Just read the whole thread, or use a dictionary: in fishing, trolling 
> and trawling are two different things; the first is done with a net, the 
> second with a line.
> regards
>   Steve

Damn Wikipedia! It always gets things upside down, specially when I
'read the whole thread' :

"Trolling for fish" is a form of angling where lines with hook-rigged
lures are dragged behind a boat to entice fish to bite. Compare the term
"Trawling for fish," which involves dragging a net behind a boat to
catch large numbers of fish.


(Don't mind me. Just trolling...)


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