Roy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Anybody remember Scribe?

(raising hand)

OT, but I still have a bunch of Scribe source documents from college.

Of course, as I attended CMU where it originated I suppose that's not
unusual.  Definitely pre-WYSIWYG, but one of the first to separate
presentation markup from structure (very much in line with later stuff
like SGML from IBM although I don't recall the precise timing relation
of the two), including the use of styles.

I personally liked it a lot (I think the markup syntax is easier on
the eyes than the *ML family).  If I remember correctly, for a while
there, it was reasonably common to see Scribe-like markup in
newsgroups (e.g,. "@begin(flame)" and @end("flame") or "@b[emphasis]")
before SGML/XML/HTML became much more common ("<flame> ... </flame>").

-- David

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