What you are asking IS much more difficult that just "timing".
The Internet is a disconnected stateless medium.  I can open
a browser to a site and just leave my browser open.  Am I viewing
that site or not?  There's no way to know.  I might have minimized
the browser window and am back doing productive work (assuming
my access to the web was non-productive).

The best way I've found to do what you want is to force all
HTTP traffic through a proxy (I like Squid, but others
work as well).  The proxy cache logs can provide you with
lost of information about where people are going and how much
information they download from the site.  They cannot however
tell you how long someone was there because of what I mentioned
above.  You can see if someone is going to www.nascar.com or
www.espn.com or to some other site.  You can also block sites
quite easily if there is no legitimate reason for people to
be at that site.

Hope info helps.
Larry Bates

> Hello Kartic & NG,
>      Thank you for your prompt answer. In effect, I'm trying to work on
> a NT network of 6 PC (plus the server). Sorry to not have been clearer.
> Ideally, I'm trying to monitor the Internet activity of each client (PC)
> on this network (but I'm not a boss trying to control my emplyees, I'm just
> curious on it). I would like to know which PC is connected to Internet (by
> starting something like a "timer" for every PC, and then periodically check
> if a particular PC is connected or not). This should be done from the main
> server. 
> Did I make myself clear? Do you think it would be a huge task?
> Sorry, it may be a very basic question, but thank you for your help.
> Andrea.

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