On Sep 20, 3:26 pm, Hynek Hanke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> please, is there something like 'attach' in pdb yet? My application uses
> threads
> and when it freezes (e.g. due to a deadlock situation), I'd like to get
> the traceback
> of all threads and inspect at which point did the application get into
> problems.
> Or could I send a signal to such a python process so that it would
> output backtraces
> from all threads before terminating?
> Because currently, if a thread runs into deadlock problems (or a thread
> fails on
> an exception and the other thread can't join it), I have no way of
> determining
> what went wrong.
> Such processes are not possible to terminate via CTRL-C in the
> interpreter, so
> I can't get the backtrace this way. Furthermore, I also need todebug
> subprocesses,
> so these are difficult to invoke interactively.
> I'm happy for any suggestions.
> Thank you,
> Hynek Hanke

Try to debug with winpdb:

Any feedback will be appreciated.


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