On Oct 9, 9:14 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> a great tradition of tounge-in-cheek package names, like
> "Cold fusion", for example.

Cold Fusion is a super cool name. Nobody will every think of it as
representing something odd or silly.

> too late now.  sorry again,

why would it be late? is the future of you own work not worth the time
it takes to rename it? Compared to all the other work it took ... it
is just a mere inconvenience.

All I can say please do yourself a favor rename it. Imagine yourself
in the position of someone who has no idea what the project is about
and try to imagine what kind of thoughts and feelings the name will
conjure. It matters a lot. It is a shame to put yourself at

Anyway that's all I can say. FWIW the "Devil Framework" guys are
sticking to their name, I think this is something that feels too
personal, people who invent a name will have a hard time accepting
that it is bad.



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