iu2 wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've copied the example of RPC usage from the Python's doc.
> When the client and server were on the same PC ("localhost") (I use
> Windows)
> it worked ok. But putting the server on a different PC raised the
> error:
> gaierror: (11001, 'getaddrinfo failed')
> The error was raised upion accessing some function of the server,
> i.e.,
> print s.add_nums(1, 2, 3)  # server registered function
> PCs in our organization are accessed by "\\<name>" so I used
> s = xmlrpclib.Server(r'http://\\pc_name:8000')
> I got the same error when I put some non-existing name.
> Trying to remove the double-backslash from the PC's name raised the
> error:
> error: (10061, 'Connection refused')
> I'll appreciate your help on this.

Maybe using the IP-address helps?


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