On Mon, 22 Oct 2007 05:50:30 -0700, Xah Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>TeX, in my opinion, has done massive damage to the computing world.
>i have written on this variously in emails. No coherent argument, but
>the basic thoughts are here:

Knuth did a whole lot more for computing than you have or, probably,
ever will.  Your arrogance is truly amazing.

>1. A typesetting system per se, not a mathematical expressions
>representation system.


>2. The free nature, like cigeratte given to children, contaminated the
>entire field of math knowledge representation into 2 decades of

What the frac are you talking about?

>3. Being a typesetting system, brainwashed entire generation of
>mathematicians into micro-spacing doodling.

Like they wouldn't be doodling anyway.  At least the TeX doodling is
likely to be readable (as if anyone cared).

>4. Inargurated a massive collection of documents that are invalid
>HTML. (due to the programing moron's ingorance and need to idolize a
>leader, and TeX's inherent problem of being a typesetting system that
>is unsuitable of representing any structure or semantics)

HTML is unsuitable for representing most structure and semantics.  And
legions of fumbling idiots compose brand new invalid HTML every day.

>5. This is arguable and trivial, but i think TeX judged as a computer
>language in particular its syntax, on esthetical grounds, sucks in
>major ways.

No one except you thinks TeX is a "computer language".

>Btw, a example of item 4 above, is Python's documentation. Fucking
>asses and holes.

Watch your language, there are children present.

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