On Sun Oct 28 11:49:17 CET 2007, Jürgen Urner wrote:

> I Just recently registered a project fclient to sourceforge.net
> [http://sourceforge.net/projects/fclient]. fclient is intended to
> become desktop client for the freenet [freenetproject.org]
> network written in python and Qt4.

It sounds like an interesting project.

> fclient is very alpha, in fact only parts of the freenet client
> protocol are curently implementated and loads of work ahead. But I
> would appreciate very much finding interested co-coders to take part
> in the project.
> Me, I am no professional coder, but an enthusiast with one or the
> other year of python (and Qt) experience. If interested in the project
> (and freenet), feel free to drop a mail to the users mailing list at
> the project page.

If you need advice on parts of the implementation, there are plenty of
Python and Qt experts on the PyQt mailing list:


If you're trying to avoid subscribing to additional mailing lists, don't
worry: quite a few of us read python-list/comp.lang.python as well.

Incidentally, you might find it useful to add your project to the list
of application on the PyQt Wiki:




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