Ben Finney wrote:
> Steven Bethard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Ben Finney wrote:
>>> What it doesn't allow is for the testing of the 'if __name__ ==
>>> "__main__":' clause itself. No matter how simple we make that,
>>> it's still functional code that can contain errors, be they
>>> obvious or subtle; yet it's code that *can't* be touched by the
>>> unit test (by design, it doesn't execute when the module is
>>> imported), leading to errors that won't be caught as early or
>>> easily as they might.
>> You could always use runpy.run_module.
> For values of "always" that include Python 2.5, of course. (I'm still
> coding to Python 2.4, until 2.5 is more widespread.)
> Thanks! I was unaware of that module. It does seem to nicely address
> the issue I discussed.

You might try the runpy module as-is with Python 2.4.  I don't know if 
it works, but it's pure Python so it's worth a try.


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