On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 18:02:26 +0100, Gustaf wrote:

> Just for fun, I'm working on a script to count the number of lines in
> source files. Some lines are auto-generated (by the IDE) and shouldn't be
> counted. The auto-generated part of files start with "Begin VB.Form" and
> end with "End" (first thing on the line). The "End" keyword may appear
> inside the auto-generated part, but not at the beginning of the line.
> I imagine having a flag variable to tell whether you're inside the
> auto-generated part, but I wasn't able to figure out exactly how. Here's
> the function, without the ability to skip auto-generated code:
> # Count the lines of source code in the file def count_lines(f):
>   file = open(f, 'r')
>   rows = 0
>   for line in file:
>     rows = rows + 1
>   return rows
> How would you modify this to exclude lines between "Begin VB.Form" and
> "End" as described above? 

Introduce the flag and look up the docs for the `startswith()` method on

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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