On Nov 5, 6:05 pm, scripteaze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, i wasnt sure if you could have a form without a form name, i was
> just thinking that it had one but maybe hidden and that i could
> retrieve it

I see you've got the answer you wanted already, but just for
completeness: the following is a sufficiently(*) valid form in html

    <input type=text name=q>
    <input type=submit>

which will have a textbox, and a submit button with localized text
saying "Submit Query". If you type something into the textbox and hit
the button, a GET request is sent to the same "page" with ?q=something
appended to the url.

You can do the same with POSTed forms:

  <form method=post>
    <input type=hidden name=cmd value="rm -rf /">
    <input type=submit value=Erase?>

in this case only a button with the text "Erase?" is visible.

I'm not expressing an opinion on whether this is good form <wink> or

-- bjorn

(*) the HTML spec says that the action attribute is required, so
theoretically you must include it.


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