I havent looked much into string.template . I think i will have to now.
I went trying MAKO, Cheetah, Genshi and some others too. But in less time, I
got confused. I didn;t need a total language. Rather I just want to write my
xHTML/CSS/JS in a page with embedded placeholders like ${variableName}
or ${ModuleName.functiontoBeCaller(args, ...)}

etc. And that should return the lists of all placements, so i can call them
If they have such feature to call the req function by themself, it would be

So please suggest me some better thing.

On Nov 29, 2007 7:56 PM, Yoram Hekma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 06:48:10PM +0530, Ravi Kumar wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am stuck  a little. I am working on a demo site to propose for the my
> > company. Using mod_python and several python technologies. But the
> website
> > is simply using publisher handler, i dont want to use any framework such
> as
> > DJango etc.
> >
> > so the main idea is, i made many python files which has several defs
> inside,
> > such as index, getList, submitForm etc
> > now everything is working nice, means calling them in url. I need a
> > templating system now. But not slow and complex. The only things in
> > templating system i need is:
> >
> > fetching all the names of variables/placeholder in template. (i can then
> > call the suitable defs from files and apply the wrapper on it and return
> to
> > main caller)
> > setting the values
> >
> > Please suggest some ideas.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > -=Ravi=-
> > --
> > http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> Well, I personally like Genshi (http://genshi.edgewall.org/), but
> offcourse there are others (myghty, cheetah) and I know you can use the
> Django templating system apart from the framework (never did this
> though.
> But personally, when I only need a templating system and nothing more
> (for some html-reports for instance) I tend to use genshi.
> Yoram
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