On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 23:37:23 -0800, Pierre Quentel wrote:

> On Dec 7, 7:09 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>         How many days in a year? 365.25 (J2000 epoch), 365.2422 [as I
>> recall](B1900 epoch), 365.0 (non-leap year), 366 (leap year)? Gregorian
>> or Julian calendar -- and depending upon one's country, the Gregorian
>> reform may take place at different years.
>>         Simple months of (year/12) days, or calendrical mishmash (30 days
>> hath September, April, June, and November...) again with leap year
>> exceptions?
> I don't see where the ambiguity is. Isn't it obvious what we mean by
> "I am X years, Y months and Z days" ?

That's obvious but given either the present date or the birth date along
with that information it's not so clear what the other date may be. 
Unless you give the info about the used calender systems and the points in
time (according to which calender system!?) when to use which system.

If you are just asking those questions for people living now (and are
not called Connor McLeod ;-) and the gregorian calender it's easy but
providing functions in the standard library for arbitrary date calculation
involving years is not so easy.

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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