--- Bruno Desthuilliers

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] a écrit :
> > I'm a java guy used to the effective edit/run
> cycle you get with a
> > good IDE.
> > 
> > Today I'm writing my first Python, but can't seem
> to find the way to
> > use Python's inherent edit/run cycle.
> > 
> Use an IDE then. Or a real code editor like emacs -
> it's python-mode is 
> way more powerful than what I saw in any IDE.

Martin, for Python-specific IDEs, I recommend looking
at the following page, although I think you might want
to get some feedback from the list as well:


Having said that, I'm more in Bruno's camp that the
choice of an editor usually transcends Python.  I
prefer to use a powerful editor that's good for
working on several languages, as long as it has a good
Python mode.

There are a zillion powerful editors out there.  I've
been productive in EditPlus, MultiEdit, SlickEdit,
vim, and emacs, just to throw out a few examples.

I'm confident you'll find a solution that fits your
style, and you are obviously doing a good thing in
terms of optimizing edit/run cycle, as it's pretty key
to productivity.

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