I tried the tips I found in other posts but I still get 'none' back:

import easygui as eg
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import sys

#kml source is:
#<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
#<kml xmlns="http://earth.google.com/kml/2.2";>
#  <Placemark>
#    <name>Simple placemark</name>
#    <description>Attached to the ground. Intelligently places itself
#       at the height of the underlying terrain.</description>
#    <Point>
#      <coordinates>-122.0822035425683,37.42228990140251,0</
#    </Point>
#  </Placemark>

#select a file and open it in python
f_name=eg.fileopenbox("select kml file", "Select kml file")

#parse and create Elementtree and go to root

#look for description
coord= kml.find('.//description')
print coord


the result is 'None' ...

If I print out the kml with tostring I can see the entire file and to
me the XPath string also seems correct

any idea?

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