On Dec 12, 12:09 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I've been searching for a way to load an icon from an executable into
> something that I can eventually display either through pygame or
> pygtk. I've tried the stuff found 
> athttp://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/...
> but the tests just output all black (not surprising, as that guy
> couldn't get it to work either). I've mucked around with taht code and
> the ExtractIcon stuff from pywin32, but still am stuck. I've seen some
> reference to a wxpython ways to do it, but I'm trying to not have to
> convert over to that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

wxPython uses an included tool called img2py. The source looks pretty
straight-forward. You may be able to modify it or re-create it using
your GUI toolkit of choice.

If you install wxPython, you'll find it (approx.) here:



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