On Dec 12, 3:36 pm, sturlamolden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12 Des, 12:56, George Sakkis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Ah, the 'make' statement.. I liked (and still do) that PEP, I think it
> > would have an impact comparable to the decorator syntax sugar, if not
> > more.
> I think it is one step closer to Lisp. I believe that it would be
> worth considering adding defmacro statement. Any syntax, including if,
> else, for, while, class, lambda, try, except, etc.  would be
> implemented with defmacros. We would only need a minimalistic syntax,
> that would bootstrap a full Python syntax on startup. And as for
> speed, we all know how Lisp compares to Python.

It would be great if Python could be speeded up to SBCL Lisp by just
transforming one parse tree into another one. But since Python is
compiled to bytecodes I dare to say that surface syntax is not the key
factor ;)


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