>>>>> "Grant" == Grant Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Grant> On 2007-12-19, abhishek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > Hi everyone, I am trying to generate a PDF printable format file from
>>> > an html page. Is there a way to do this using python. If yes then
>>> > which library and functions are required and if no then reasons why it
>>> > cant be done.
>>> Here's one way:
>>> ------------------------------html2pdf.py-----------------------------------------
>>> #!/usr/bin/python
>>> import os,sys
>>> inputFilename,outputFilename = sys.argv[1:3]
>>> os.system("w3m -dump %s | a2ps -B --borders=no | ps2pdf - %s" % 
>>> (inputFilename,outputFilename))

Note that this is highly insecure. outputFilename could be passed e.g., as

  /tmp/file.pdf; rm -fr /home/abhishek


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