On 19 Gru, 15:15, anton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if some of you knows a
>  - working
>  - actual
>  - out of the box (for me: binaries available)
> Package/Lib to do 3D plotting out of the box.
> I know  matplotlib.
> There is MayaVi from enthon but you need to use their python (2.4.3),
> all other stuff need picking sources etc.
> IVuPy-0.1 seems to be abandonware, and there are no binaries.
> I don't get qwtplot3d-0.2.7 to compile on my pc, it seems you need the
> commercial
> qt 4.33 (with opensource qt 4.3.3 I doesnt work).
> Actually there is a big list on python org of 3D software, but I need
> only plotting facility (like Matlab for example), and some/most of
> the listed projects seem not be up to date (still based on python 2.4,
> like PyOpenGL where you get binaries only for python 2.4,
> seems to be abandonware too, sigh).
> Thanks for a hint :-)

Hi anton,

   Have you take a look at vpython? Here's their website:
And here is an simple example of how to use it:

Hope this helps :-)



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