>> So, anyone who hit's on this thread via a search will think
>> a) that there's really no memory leak detection for python
>> b) that this community is not very helpful

c) That finally people in this forum are smart enough to detect your 
flamebait & refuse to comment on it, Ilias...

> Comments like (b) will not help your chances one bit in respect of
> getting an answer from anyone.
> Maybe you should read:
>   http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html
> Two things to note in here. First, choose your forum appropriately and
> secondly show some courtesy rather than making accusations against the
> community if no one answers.
> If you want to see perhaps how you might be viewed by the open source
> community when you make such a comment, perhaps also watch:
>   http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4216011961522818645
> Now, since you think this is a Trac problem, why don't you go ask on
> the Trac mailing list.
>   http://groups.google.com/group/trac-users?lnk=li
> Even a search of that forum will most likely yield previous
> discussions about growing memory use of Trac as a result of things
> like Python wrappers for Subversion or certain database adapters. It
> may be a case of using a different version, or in some cases
> configuration of your hosting environment, if using Apache, to recycle
> Apache child processes after a set number of requests so as to restore
> process sizes back to a low level.
> So, do some research first in the correct places and then perhaps ask
> any additional questions in the correct place also.

Graham, I'm not sure how long you have been around here - but googling 
for Ilias in general and specificly in this group will reveal that he 
often posts spiteful & inflammatory messages and has a tendency to get 
cross with open source projects. It's debatable if he can be called a 
troll - but he surely is a nuisance best let alone, so he doesn't gain 


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