On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 12:46:48 +0000, Robert Latest wrote:

> And, contrary to the advice I gave elsethread, unfortunately it's
> impossible to just drop uncooperative customers when you develop GPL
> software ;-)

Just because you are writing GPLed code doesn't mean you are permanently 
linked to anyone you have supplied code to. You can send their emails 
straight to /dev/null. You don't have to give them any support, only the 
source code. And if you do give them support, the GPL doesn't limit what 
your hourly rates are: you are free to charge them one million dollars 
per hour, payable in advance in blocks of fifteen hours.

If they don't like it, they can always fork the code, or find another 
person to support it, or simply stop being dicks.


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