class genital:

        def pubic_hair(self):

        def remove(self):

"Removing pubic hair methods"

> Shaving is the most common removing pubic hair method. However, it is
> not the only one.
> After you have decided you want to remove your pubic hair, you will
> have to examine the different methods for removing pubic hair and
> decide which one is the best for you.
> The following lines include a brief glance of the existing pubic hair
> removal methods:
> 1. Shaving - razor shaving is the most popular removing pubic hair
> method. One should shave his pubic hair area carefully and gently
> using a proper razor and shaving cream. Make sure you wash and clean
> your pubic hair area before and after the shave.
> 2. Hair removal creams - those can cause lots of pain and allergic
> reactions. However, they are very effective in removing pubic hair. We
> suggest you test in on a harmless spot like your back or the inside of
> your elbow to check for possible allergic reactions. If your skin gets
> red or itchy for a long period of time (more than 3 hours) do use it.
> Again, wash you pubic hair area carefully after using this removing
> pubic hair method.
> 3. Waxing - We strongly suggest avoiding using wax for removing pubic
> hair. Most of the women can not stand the pain and the outcome is as
> good as the other removing pubic hair methods.
> 4. Electrolysis - A permanent pubic hair removing methods using
> electric shocks. It can be done in a hair salon or at home after
> purchasing a personal device. This method is very expensive (It may
> cost more than a thousand dollars). It also painful in most cases but
> this method provides a permanent pubic hair removal.
> 5. Pulling - We got to know in our research quite a few women who
> prefer pull their pubic hair out. It takes time, Its painful but it
> involves a satisfaction.
> Now you can make the proper decision on the best removing pubic hair
> method for you. Good luck.

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