> 1. functools.partialpre: partialpre( f, x, y )( z )-> f( z, x, y )
> 2. functools.pare: pare( f, 1 )( x, y )-> f( y )
> 3. functools.parepre: parepre( f, 1 )( x, y )-> f( x )
> 4. functools.calling_default: calling_default( f, a, DefaultA, b )->
> f( a, <default 2rd arg, even if not None>, b )

There are lots of possibilities for functools.  If you actually want 
anything added, you'll need to back up your suggestions with use cases. 
  Unless something is currently in widespread use in existing Python 
code, it's unlikely to be included in the standard library.


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