Erik Max Francis wrote:
> Jeff Schwab wrote:
>> Erik Max Francis wrote:
>>> Grant Edwards wrote:
>>>> On 2008-02-12, Jeff Schwab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Fair enough!
>>>> Dear me, what's Usenet coming to these days...
>>> I know, really.  Sheesh!  Jeff, I won't stand for that!  Argue with 
>>> me!  :-)
>> OK, uh...  You're a poopy-head.
>> Forgive the cliché, but there's already too much road rage on the 
>> information superhighway.  I've had limited access to Usenet for the 
>> last couple of years, and coming back, I find myself shocked at how 
>> many people seem to be mean and argumentative just for the heck of 
>> it.  Was it really always this hostile?  Maybe I've gotten soft in my 
>> old age.
> Note smiley.  Grant and I were joking.

Yes, I understood.

Ahhh, back to that familiar, awkward discomfort...

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