On Feb 11, 11:52 pm, Michael Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Where is the python equivalent of:
> http://search.cpan.org/~fxn/Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.16/Combinatoric...
> combinations (with and without repetition)
> variations (with and without repetition)
> permutations
> partitions
> derangements
> etc
> I'm guessing sage has this, but shouldn't something like this be part of
> the standard library (perhaps in C)?  I'd understand if derangements and
> partitions were excluded, but the standard combinatorics (replacement
> on/off, repetition on/off) would be quite nice.  It would also be
> helpful to have a general cartesian product function which combined
> elements from an arbitrary number of lists.
> It seems that questions for these algorithms occur too frequently.
> Am I wishing on a star?

FWIW, I'm adding cartesian product to the itertools module in Py2.6.



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