En Tue, 12 Feb 2008 12:04:43 -0200, Sun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> "Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

>>>>> test = set()
>>>>> test
>> set([])
> yeah, that 's what I am looking for, thanks all for such prompt answers!
> I was wondering why can't I use a format as "var = {} " to "var=list()"  
> in
> set variable, and decided not to  bother with it.

Python 3.0 has set literals {1,2,3} (perhaps they become frozensets  
instead). But {} still is, and will be, an empty dict.
In reply to the n-th proposal to define a literal for empty sets, Guido  
van Rossum said, in python-ideas:

        "All possible proposals have already been discussed at length. Really,  
writing set() isn't so bad. Get used to it."


Gabriel Genellina


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