En Tue, 12 Feb 2008 15:20:32 -0200, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribi�:

> I assert it's easier to write:
> start_new_thread( this_func )
> def thrA():
>     normal_suite()
> than
> def thrA():
>     normal_suite()
> start_new_thread( thrA )
> If you don't, stop reading.  If you do, accomplish it like this:
> @decwrap( start_new_thread, Link, ( 2, 3 ) )
> def anonfunc( a, b ):
>       print( a, b )

And I have to *guess* that start_new_thread is called?
A @threaded decorator might be useful, but the above isn't clear at all.

`import this` inside the interpreter.

Gabriel Genellina


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