On Mon, 18 Feb 2008 06:48:26 -0800 (PST), est <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [snip]
>So, is there any solution that handles this nicely? Or, more
>specificly, is there any solution that is more 'comet'-like, let's say
>'socket'-like than WSGI which could almost do full-dulex HTTP
>communications, and ready-to-use server & client event-based code

There are a number.  Two based on Twisted:

  Athena - http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/DivmodNevow/Athena
  python-cometd - http://svn.xantus.org/shortbus/trunk/cometd-twisted/

(I'm one of the primary authors of the former.)


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