On Mon, 03 Mar 2008 04:27:52 +0200, Harun BAYKAL wrote:

> I am studying on an addon developed for QGIS, a GIS software. But I
> have a problem. The extension has been developed with QT and Python.
> Actually Python is used for the interface design. For the user
> interface Python reads some values from some database files. I am not
> experienced Python user and the first developer of the addon had
> written the python codes for his database. And his database
> doesn't include any characters than the usual characaters. But my
> database file contains many characters which are not used in English.
> So I can not compile the extension because Python can not read the
> database files.
> So how can I change the python files for making it to read the
> databases without modifying the database. Otherwise I had to clear all
> the non usual characters from the database file which means most of
> the names and strings will be wrong. So somehow I had to make the
> python files to read the other unicode and non english characters?
> Anybody have any idea about how I can I fix such a problem.

All I get from this description is, that you have a problem with encodings
but what is the *specific* problem?  Where does the program fail?  With
what exception(s)?

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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