On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:01 AM, Stefan Behnel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sion Arrowsmith wrote:
>  > And before you blame wx* for crashes: what platform was this on?
>  > Because my experience was that wx on GTK was significantly more prone
>  > to glitches than on Windows (through to wxglade being unusably crashy)
>  > -- if the underlying toolkit has problems, that's going to be
>  > reflected in wx.
>  :) Interesting. This was actually on GTK. Although I would still blame at
>  least the wxWidgets-GTK bindings here. I never had any problems with GTK in 
> my
>  life.

Gtk is much more finicky than windows about the timingof when you can
and cannot use certain functions. wxPython has checks in place for
many of these functions so you get an exception instead of a crash,
but not everything is safe (and of course in the past even fewer
things were). In particular, you need to have a wxApp object safely
constructed before you can use almost any gui object, which is not the
case under Windows.

wx makes the attempt to make correct code work correctly on platforms,
but doesn't necessarily guarantee that incorrect code fails the same
(or at all) on all platforms. This is an unavoidable compromise due to
the nature of a layering toolkit like this, although figuring out what
"correct code" actually is can take some experience.

>  Stefan
>  --
>  http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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