> how would this work with UPDATE
> command? I get this error:
>         cmd = "UPDATE items SET content = ? WHERE id=%d" % id
>     self.cursor.execute(cmd, content)
> pysqlite2.dbapi2.ProgrammingError: Incorrect number of bindings
> supplied. The c
> rrent statement uses 1, and there are 0 supplied.

The error message implies that 'content' is an empty sequence.
Even when the SQL takes exactly one parameter, the second
argument is a sequence containing the parameter. You can use
a one-element list, written [someparam], or a one-tuple

> Sqlite site doesn't give any details on using parameter bindings in
> UPDATE command, I'm
> going to look around some more..

To make effective use of Python's Sqlite3 module, I need three
references: the Python DB API v2 spec, the Sqlite3 module's doc,
and the Sqlite database doc.


With all three, parameter binding is still under-specified, but
only a little.

Those new to the relational model and to SQL will need sources
on those as well. On the model, I think the foundational paper
has held up well over the decades:

   Codd, E.F. "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared
   Data Banks". /Communications of the ACM/ Volume 13 number
   6, June 1970; pages 377–387.

It is currently available on line at:


Anyone have a particularly good and easily accessible
source to recommend on SQL?


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