In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Jeff Schwab  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Also, despite reassurances to the contrary, I still get the impression 
>that there is a strong anti-lambda sentiment among the Python "in" 
>crowd.  Is it just a question of the word "lambda," as opposed to 
>perceived cleaner syntax?

The problem with lambda is that too often it results in clutter (this is
a strictly made-up example off the top of my head for illustrative
purposes rather than any real code, but I've seen plenty of code similar
at various times):

    gui.create_window(origin=(123,456), background=gui.WHITE, 
        foreground=gui.BLACK, callback=lambda x: x*2)

That means I need to pause reading the create_window() arguments while I
figure out what the lambda means -- and often the lambda is more
complicated than that.  Moreover, because the lambda is unnamed, it's
missing a reading cue for its purpose.
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           <*>

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