Did you take a look at web.py? That one looks terribly small and
efficient :)

We use CherryPy coupled with compiled Cheetah Templates for
every web server based projects at my workplace and we've been really
satisfied with it so far.

On 28 mar, 07:53, "Pavol Murin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hello python users,
>  could you point me to a very simple (single file is best) web-server?
> I want to serve a few web-forms and run some shell scripts when the
> forms are submitted. I might add Ajax later (this is not a
> requirement, if it only supports forms it's OK).
>  Longer story:
>  I would like to provide a web-page for customization of an
> application - it should run some shell commands as the user clicks
> around in the page and at the end write a configuration file. I had a
> look at the python wiki (http://wiki.python.org/moin/WebProgramming),
> where various web servers and frameworks are listed. The frameworks
> seem to heavy for such a simple task and BaseHTTPServer just seems to
> be too light. So I took a look at the web-servers listed:
>  httpy had the last release 1,5 years ago, Medusa more than 5 years,
> Twisted seems to be able to do a lot, so probably not the simple thing
> I'm looking for. CherryPy looks promising, however it is still 89
> files (including some that can be removed).
>  If CGIHTTPServer is a good answer, could you point me to a good
> (nontrivial) example?
>  thank you, muro


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