En Fri, 28 Mar 2008 12:15:45 -0300, Stef Mientki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> Passing all kinds of data between objects,
> I'm looking for an elegant (and simple) way to pack the data.
> Now it looks to me that both the class and the inherited list,
> performs equally well.
> Till now, the most elegant way (in my view) is the list inheritance,
> mainly because you don't need brackets and no quotes.
> What are others opinion about this ?
> class super_list(list):
>     pass
> def kwadraat ( value ) :
>     return value * value
> x={}
> x['frequency']=33
> x['functie']=kwadraat
> print x['functie'](2)
> y = super_list()
> y.frequency = 33
> y.functie = kwadraat
> print y.functie(3)

You don't use y as a list at all - you might as well inherit from object.  
And in that case you get a generic attribute container - as you said, like  
a dict but using attribute syntax (drawback: only valid names can be used  
as keys)
But I don't understand the "functie" usage - what's for? Perhaps if it  
used y.frequency - in that case a proper method would be better.

Gabriel Genellina


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