On Mar 31, 9:15 am, Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-03-31 at 06:45 +0000, Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch wrote:
> > There is an `xmlrpclib` in the standard library, so there is no need for
> > an external package here.  I even think that pyXMLRPClib is the one that's
> > integrated in the standard library, so the external one might be "dead".
> Ah, yes it is indeed. Thanks.
> > For Windows there are tools to bundle your source and all dependencies and
> > even the interpreter itself.  `py2exe` is such a tool.  With InnoSetup or
> > NSIS or similar programs you can then make a `setup.exe` for that spoiled
> > Windows brats.  :-)
> > Under Linux many packages are available as distribution specific packages
> > on most distributions.  So for Linux you may get away with a README
> > stating the dependencies of your program and a `setup.py` for installing
> > your project.  Look for `distutils` in the Python documentation for
> > further information about `setup.py`\s.
> setup.py sounds like the best way to go. Most of the classrooms and
> lecture halls run on Ubuntu machines, and as I said, I don't really care
> much for the Windows brats anyway. 'doze installers etc would be a nice
> to have, but not needed right now.
> > > 5. Editor - I am using Eric (which I quite like), any advice on IDE's?
> > Use the one you like best.  ;-)
> Thought as much. I do 90% of my coding in vi anyways, but am still
> getting a couple of nutty errors from Python simply because I have not
> yet gotten the hang of significant whitespace :) Darn that PHP!
> Thanks for the feedback, now I just need some justification on the
> GTK/GUI stuff - wxWidgets, GTK+ Glade or other?
> --Paul
> All Email originating from UWC is covered by 
> disclaimerhttp://www.uwc.ac.za/portal/public/portal_services/disclaimer.htm

I myself prefer wxPython(wxWidgets wrapper for python), it's more
"Object Oriented" then, say GTK. But really, just check out their
homepages to see features they include, and go by that instead.

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