On Mar 31, 1:52 pm, Mike Driscoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What about creating a setup.py and using the distutils command to
> build rpms or tarballs?
> http://docs.python.org/dist/built-dist.html
> Mike

My quick look: The link you sent is under the header "Distributing
Python Modules". In my case, I have set of python-files that
altogether is part of one product-functionality. I would like to
package it and have it run standalone, even if the user does not have
python installed.

Ok, I guess build-dist can possibly achieve the same purpose (without
reading through the link you sent).  So my question would be: why is
there pyinstaller, if this does the job. Is build-dist more low-level
and thus is over-kill for the kind of application I am looking for?:


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