>>>>> "Cappy" == Cappy2112  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Cappy> VB has a much better IDE than the IDE's for Python,
    Cappy> although Eric3 is one of the best, and is absolutely free.

Eric3 is not easily available for win32, due to current state of Qt
licensing (will change with Qt4 I think).

    Cappy> There are many gui toolkits/frameworks for Python, but the
    Cappy> foreunners are pyQT, wxPython, pyGTK, and TK/Tkinter.

On windows it might make sense to choose wxPython, though I've heard
some good stuff about new versions of pyGTK as well.

People coming from VB background probably also appreciate the ability
to draw the UI in point&click style:


Unfortunately these seem to still be a tad rough around the edges...

Ville Vainio   http://tinyurl.com/2prnb

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