On Thu, 17 Mar 2005 06:09:44 GMT, rumours say that "Raymond Hettinger"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:


>> Did I make you believe I cared about the fate of any function judged unworthy
>> even for the documentation?
>No.  My note was mainly for the benefit of those who had an interest in what
>type of ideas had been discussed and the reasoning behind their
>inclusion/exclusion.  It needed to be documented somewhere and the newsgroup
>discussion on a couple of proposals provided an opportunity to put those notes
>on record.

In that case, I thank you too (like Terry) for the trouble writing down those

>> I'm just whining that putting recipes in the docs as an 'extended
>> toolset' instead of in a module is a joking compromise...
>Not really.  The recipes have several uses and none of them are compromises.

Of course they aren't compromises.  Who said they were?  The subsentence "is a
joking compromise", to which your "Not really" applies, has "putting" as
subject, not "uses of recipes".  It's possible that my lack of fluency in the
English language confused you.


>By way of comparision, consider the evolution of set()/frozenset() which went
>through stages as recipes, as a PEP, then as Python module, and finally as C
>coded built-ins.  That multi-stage process was deliberate and resulted in the
>final version being excellent.  Similarly, many new decorators are going to
>start their lives as wiki entries or recipes.  Ultimately, some will make it
>into the standard library.  It would be a mistake to make that transition too

That (long cycle/excellent results) is surely true.  And sets are *very* useful
as the majority would agree.  Thanks about sets, too.

>The other purpose of the itertool recipes is to serve as a teaching tool 
>how to combine the tools and how to integrate them with other Python code.  
>most of the recipes are more useful in this capacity than as immediate 
>to particular problems.

Well, I have to respect your opinion and so I drop the subject... but with my
dying breath, re:

>to serve as a teaching tool showing
>>how to combine the tools and how to integrate them with other Python code.

, I cry "that's why we hint at people to /read/ the /source/ of the standard
library..." :)

TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving." (from RFC1958)
I really should keep that in mind when talking with people, actually...

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