On Apr 15, 3:50 am, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> En Mon, 14 Apr 2008 22:02:38 -0300, Sverker Nilsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> escribió:
> > I tried out py3k on my project,http://guppy-pe.sf.net
> And what happened?
> I've seen that your project already supports Python 2.6 so the migration
> path to 3.0 should be easy.
> --
> Gabriel Genellina

2.6 was no big deal, It was an annoyance that they had to make 'as' a
reserved word. Annoyances were also with 2.4, and 2.5. No big
problems, I could make guppy backwards compatible to 2.3. But that
seems not to be possible with Python 3.x ... it is a MUCH bigger
change. And it would require a fork of the code bases, in C, Guido has
written tha or to sprinkle with #ifdefs. Would not happen soon for me.
It takes some work anyways. Do you volunteer, Guido van Rossum? :-)

It's not exactly easy. Perhaps not very hard anyways. But think of
1000's of such projects. How many do you think there are? I think
many. How many do yo think care? I think few.

When it has been the fuzz with versions before, then I could have the
same code still work with older versions. But now it seems I have to
fork TWO codes. It's becoming too much. Think of the time you could
write a program in C or even C++ and then it'll work. How do you think
eg writers of bash or other unix utilities come along. Do they have to
rewrite their code each year? No, it stays. And they can be happy
about that, and go on to other things. Why should I have to think
about staying compatible with the newest fancy Python all the time? NO
-- but the answer may be, they don't care, though the others (C/C++,
as they rely on) do. :-(


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