On 16 avr, 09:42, "Prashant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering is there any way to do this:
> I have written a class in python and __init__ goes like this:
> def __init__(self):
> self.name = 'jack'
> self.age = 50
> import data
> now here there is data.py in the same directory and contents are like:
> self.address = 'your address'
> self.status = 'single'
> The problem is 'self' is giving some error here. I need to know if
> somehow I can do this. It's like inserting the script as it's part of
> the file itself.

The purpose of import is to build a module object, which implies
executing the module file but in a new context.
If you simply want to execute some code in a file, you can try

In [243]: class A(object):
   .....:     def __init__(self):
   .....:         execfile("test.py")

In [244]: a=A()

In [245]: a.a
Out[245]: 1

In [246]: open("test.py").read()
Out[246]: 'self.a = 1\n'

But do you really want to execute some arbitrary code or to initialize
values with some kind of configuration file?

> Cheers


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