Thanks for the quick reply,

Just to clarify (sorry, I'm a bit of a command line newbie):

Do you mean to install Python from the .dmg - i.e. into /usr/local/ 
bin? And then to install Numpy directly as well (manually, from  
source), then continue with the MacPorts installation of Gnumeric  
(i.e. into /opt/local/)?


On 16/04/2008, at 9:56 PM, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
> Pete Crite wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've been trying to install Gnumeric via MacPorts recently, but I
>> can't get past the installation of py25-numpy.
> You are using the wrong python version. Don't use MacPorts for  
> this, because
> it will install a local, non-framework version of python - which  
> will do
> you no good if you e.g. want to use any OSX-specific stuff.
> Use the official 2.5 framework version. And then install Numpy  
> yourself
> (which is a bit annoying I admit, as you need to install e.g. a  
> fortran
> compiler, but it is pretty well documented)
> Diez
> -- 


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