On Apr 24, 12:32 pm, sophie_newbie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 22, 3:10 pm,sophie_newbie<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi, I'm trying to write a piece of code that spawns a thread and
> > prints dots every half second until the thread spawned is finished.
> > Code is
> > something like this:
> > import threading
> > class MyThread ( threading.Thread ):
> >         def run ( self ):
> >                 myLongCommand()...
> > import time
> > t = MyThread()
> > t.start()
> > while t.isAlive():
> >         print "."
> >         time.sleep(.5)
> > print "OK"
> > The thing is this doesn't print a dot every half second. It just
> > pauses for ages until the thread is finished and prints prints ".OK".
> > But if I take out the "time.sleep(.5)" line it will keep printing dots
> > really fast until the thread is finished. So it looks like its the
> > time.sleep(.5) bit that is messing this up somehow?
> > Any ideas?
> > Thanks!
> As it happens I've managed to come up with a solution to this problem
> using a subprocess rather than a thread. Its not exactly rocket
> science but I thought I'd post it anyway. There are 3 files:
> ########## dots.py #######################
> # a script to print a dot every half second until it is terminated
> import time
> import sys
> while 1 == 1:
>         sys.stdout.write(".")
>         sys.stdout.flush()
>         time.sleep(.5)
> ######### PrintDots.py ######################
> # This is a simple class to spawn off another process that prints dots
> repeatedly on screen
> # when printDots() is called and stops when stopDots is called. It is
> useful in cgi-scripts
> # where you may want to let the user know that something is happening,
> rather than looking
> # at a blank screen for a couple of minutes.
> import time
> import subprocess
> import os
> from signal import SIGTERM
> class PrintDots:
>         # the constructor, called when an object is created.
>         def __init__(self):
>                 self.pid = 0
>                 # the location of the script that prints the dots
>                 self.dotsScript = "dots.py"
>         def printDots(self):
>                 self.pid = subprocess.Popen( [ "python", self.dotsScript] 
> ).pid
>         def stopDots(self):
>                 os.kill(self.pid, SIGTERM)
> ############ mainFile.py ##############################
> # The above can then be called from any cgi-script as follows
> from PrintDots import PrintDots
> p = PrintDots()
> p.printDots()
> print "Doing R Stuff"
> my_Call_To_R_That_Takes_A_Long_Time()
> p.stopDots()
> print "OK"
> ############
> And low and behold dots are printed on screen every half second while
> python is talking to R, with an output like this:
> Doing R Stuff.................................OK

Whoops that last bit of code should read as follows:

from PrintDots import PrintDots
p = PrintDots()
print "Doing R Stuff"
print "OK"

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