>  I would discourage you from using printables, since it also includes
>  '[', ']', and '"', which are significant to other elements of the
>  parser (but you could create your own variable initialized with
>  printables, and then use replace("[","") etc. to strip out the
>  offending characters).  I'm also a little concerned that you needed to
>  add \t and \n to the content word - was this really necessary?  None
>  of your examples showed such words, and I would rather have you let
>  pyparsing skip over the whitespace as is its natural behavior.
>  -- Paul

You are right... I have taken those out and it still works.  I was
adding everything I could think of at one point in trying to determine
what was breaking the parser.  Some of the data in there is input free
form... which means that any developer could have put just about
anything in there...  I find a lot of ^M stuff from day to day in
other places.

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