En Fri, 25 Apr 2008 15:03:18 -0300, Luca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

Hi all. I'm trying to do something with python import but isn't working for me.

Using python 2,5 I've a program structured like this:

* a main module called (for example) "mommy" with an __init__.py and a
file called "mommy.py"
* a __version__ var defined inside the main __init__.py

From the mommy.py file I need to import the __version__ var, but I'm
really not able to do this! I fear this is a very stupid task to do...
my problem is that the file is called like the module.

Anyone can point me to the solution?

The short answer is: don't do that! __init__.py may import any module, but other modules in the package should not import anything from __init__.py The same rule applies to the main module in an application: it can import any other required module, but no one should import main.
If you don't follow those rules you may encounter some surprises.
You *can* break the rules and actually do what you want, but I would not reccomend it. In this case, can't you switch the place where __version__ is defined? It looks like a constant, so you could have it actually defined in mommy.py, and inside __init__.py just import the value.

Gabriel Genellina


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