> Have a look at this:
>>>> -123**0
> -1
> The result is not correct, because every number (positive or negative)
> raised to the power of 0 is ALWAYS 1 (a positive number 1 that is).

No python is correct.  you're expression parses this way, when converted
to a lisp-ish prefix expression:

(- (123 ** 0 ))

All calculators work this way, so I don't know why you are expecting
anything otherwise.

> The problem is that Python parses -123**0 as -(123**0), not as
> (-123)**0.
> I suggest making the Python parser omit the negative sign if a
> negative number is raised to the power of 0. That way the result will
> always be a positive 1, which is the mathematically correct result.
> This is a rare case when the parser is fooled, but it must be fixed in
> order to produce the correct mathematical result.
> --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list


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