On May 10, 10:05 pm, hdante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 10, 8:22 pm, notbob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 2008-05-10, Dennis Lee Bieber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >    So... in short, you'd need to have been reading a tutorial specific
> > > to "shell" scripting...
> > I have been.  I'm also trying to learn bash shell scripting, not to mention
> > sed/awk, php, etc.  I should have started this a long time ago, but I'm lazy
>  Throw all of this away and learn just python. That will be much
> simpler for you.
> > and, like I said, I'm not particularly fond of coding.  Yes, I have learned
> > basic C and basic , but never beyond intro.  Now, I'm doing it because I'm a
>  Forget basic and learn python. Later you can learn C.

Fiscally speaking, C and Python may well be just as economical.  So
long as you've spent time learning a computer language, hold you can
get your needs met*.

* Even if money isn't a measure of value, a true measure of value, or
measure of true value.

In light of the actual writing of Python, if you make it, like to.

In sight of competitors, argue that Python is at least a locus, node,
nodepoint, or to-central of something about free and software.

Hold that Python is an end in itself, and/or that writing it is, and/
or is writing an implementation.

(Can you talk about languages like they're people?)

Distinguish further between languages, programs, libraries, and the

Then evaluate Python for population assortment characteristics, such
as population, overcrowding, undercrowding, and various sense

In the Windows world, we are asking, how many keystrokes per thought,
mouse motions per error, and cross.

If your boss sucks but Python rules, it remains unclear that either is
any better.  It is not clear that Python has a will, or computers

If they have minds, whether absent will or not, perhaps it wouldn't
pay to like it too much.  What diversity can you find on a newsgroup?

> > geezer and I figure my brain needs more exercise then just blabbing on
> > usenet.  Besides, I've been cruising while using linux for too long and have
> > remained low end intermediate.  Time to get serious.  Pass the cheat sheets!
> > nb- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


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