1.I have both 2.5 and 2.6 but both appear, under Recent Projects, as pcbuild. It would be helpful if the Python Version could be indicated. 2.With 2.6, Python compiles and executes OK but various packages are not compiled, eg sqlite3.
3.Pythonw compiles OK but not sqlite3.
4.Mike Fletcher suggests an approach (http://www.vrplumber.com/programming/mstoolkit/) with Visual C for Python 2.4. Is this still the recommended way to compile Python 2.6? 5.Python 2.5 source refers to an Older Visual C. Automatic conversion to Visual C 2008 gives the message “Some of the properties associated with the solution could not be read.” All projects except one had a single warning, there were no errors reported. 6.After conversion there is no python project, it is flagged “unavailable”. 7.Pythoncore builds with no errors and 6 warnings but there is no executable. 8.Python 2.5 build _tkinter fails – tcl.h not found.

I would welcom advice on how to proceed.

Colin W.

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