On May 13, 9:34 am, hdante <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 13, 10:58 am, Paul McGuire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On May 13, 8:32 am, Dave Parker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Don't let yourself be irritated by castironpi
> > > I'm not the sort to get irritated by anyone.  There is value in all
> > > interaction.
> > Not this interaction, I'm afraid.  What irritates *me* about
> > castironpi is that he uses a chatterbot to clutter up the threads
> > here.  If you go back to his postings from a year ago (and selected
> > ones since), his comments are coherent and sensible.  These rambling
> > stream-of-consciousness rants about t.v.'s and coffee are (I guess)
> > his idea of a joke.  But they are certainly not worth your time in
> > trying to respond to them.
> > -- Paul
>  I don't think castironpi so annoying that I should filter its
> messages. It would be enough if he were better tuned. He is much
> smarter than the emacs shrink, for example. :-P
>  The "Flaming Thunder" looks promising, but without being free
> software, it's unlikely it will create a large developer community,
> specially considering both free general purpose and scientific
> programming languages.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

What is a tank a tank of?  Even if it does, developer communities are
willing to sustain it.  That's a pretty colinear judgement, that I
find the community sustainable.  Does anyone commute to out of
control?  What is to out?  No jumping down thrown.  Tut tut.

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