On Sat, 17 May 2008 00:27:31 -0300, "Gabriel Genellina"

>(warning: it's a rather long message)
>En Fri, 16 May 2008 12:58:46 -0300, David C. Ullrich  
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>> On Thu, 15 May 2008 10:59:41 -0300, "Gabriel Genellina"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> En Wed, 14 May 2008 18:15:41 -0300, David C. Ullrich  
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
>>>> The other day I saw a thread where someone asked
>>>> about overrideable properties and nobody offered
>>>> the advice that properties are Bad. So maybe we've
>>>> got over that. I suppose properties could have
>>>> Bad consequences if a user doesn't know they exist
>>>> and think that a certain property of an object is
>>>> just an ordinary attribute. But that applies to
>>>> almost any aspect of any language.
>>> Which "bad consequences" are you thinking of?
>> Didn't have anything specific in mind - there I was
>> just playing devil's advocate. I've seen a lot of people
>> here say things like "properties should only be used
>> when refactoring" without any explanation that I could
>> see of why properties were bad things. I was referring
>> to whatever problems they had in mind.
>I suppose those people were talking about this usage:
>   def getfoo(self): return self._foo
>   def setfoo(self, value): self._foo = value
>   foo = property(getfoo, setfoo)

Yeah. _If_ that's what I had in mind then telling me Python
is not Java would have been a great service. 

If I recall correctly (maybe not, haven't done any OP in
a long time) this is one of many things that OP gets righter
than Java: you can have the "read" or "write" for a property
refer to a method _or_ to an actual field; in the second
case access compiles to the same thing as in direct field

>Just use a plain foo attribute instead. Almost nobody will notice the  
>difference, and it's faster, easier to maintain, easier to test, less  
>magic... But if you *do* have more to do besides handling the _foo  
>attribute, using a property is OK, at least for me. And from your other  
>comments, I can see it's fine for you too.
>>>> If a person comes from, say, Object Pascal (Delphi)
>>>> then properties are hard to live without. The
>>> You should read the article "Python is not Java" if you haven't done it  
>>> yet.
>>> http://dirtsimple.org/2004/12/python-is-not-java.html
>> I suspect you misunderstood my point there. I actually read that
>> article years ago. Been using Python for years. I'd never confuse
>> it with OP, I promise (luckily I don't know any Java and don't
>> intend to). I really didn't express what I meant very well - what
>> I should have said was more like "If you're accustomed to properties
>> from a language like OP they seem like a very useful addition to
>> Python".
>Oh, sure. I missed them a lot until they became available in Python. And I  
>even wrote a fake property mixin class for Python 2.1 (horrible and slow!).
>Now I understand better what you're saying.
>>   window.pos = (x,y)
>> seems more natural than
>>   window.SetPos(x,y);
>> in these cases the work involved in changing the cell
>> value or the window position is going to make the
>> extra overhead of the property interface irrelevant.
>Sure, that looks like a good candidate for using a property.
>>> But I prefer to have as little magic as possible on my objects: if it  
>>> says m.row[0] = [1,2,3] I
>>> expect m.row[0] to actually *be* that list (whenever possible), and not  
>>> any other object initialized
>>> from the [1,2,3] arguments. (Maybe this is some overreaction against  
>>> C++ "magic" constructors and such horrible things...)
>> Whatever - the idea here is that m.row[0] is going to walk and quack
>> exactly like that list would, but also do other things that the liist
>> can't do, like you can add two of them.
>> (When you say anobject.aproperty = 2 you also expect aproperty to
>> be 2? But if aproperty is a property that's not necessarily so - this
>> seems like as much an argument against properties in general as
>> against my version. Or perversion, if you like.)
>No, I don't necesarily expect it, but I try to maintain that behavior as  
>long as I can; I try to keep things simple and intuitive. This is a rather  
>used idiom:
>   items = foo.items = []
>   for x in someiterator:
>     if somecondition:
>       ...
>       items.append(x)
>       ...
>That works fine if foo.items is items - but if items were a property that  
>holds its own internal list, the code above would be broken. In that case,  
>replacing a simple attribute with a property would *not* be equivalent;  
>and I try to follow the "principle of least astonishment" and avoid such  
>situations as long as possible.

Right. Except that for the implementation I have in mind this
moring that code will work just fine. foo.items is going to be
a property of foo, so foo.items = [] will ...

Um. I just realized I have no idea what happens if
p = property(getp, setp) and later you say

(*)  avariable = x.p = avalue

I'd hope that this first calls x.setp(avalue) and then
executes avariable = s.getp(). One second please,
while we fire up the other machine...

No, it doesn't do that.

Again, this doesn't have anything to do with lists,
it seems an unfortunate astonishment regarding
properties in general. If p is an attribute then the
effect of (*) is the same as x.p=value; avariable = x.p
but if p is a property that's not so.

In the implementation I have in mind I don't see
how there's going to be any astonishment other
than astonishments that can arise with properties
in general.

Ok, that was your point - even if p is a property
you'd prefer that x.p = value store value and
possibly do other things as well, instead of
storing something other than value.

(I _have_ been astonished at how unastonishing
my Rows are, for example I was surprised to see

  def __add__(self, other):
    return Row([x + y for x, y in zip(self, other)])

worked as hoped if self is a Row and other is a
Row _or_ a list.)

Anyway, my m.rows[j] can't be a list, because
I want to be able to say things like
m.rows[0] += c*m.rows[2]. Allowing 
m.rows[j] = [1,2,3] seems convenient, while
requiring m.rows[j] = Row([1,2,3]) fixes
this problem. Hmm.

>(I think that in OP the equivalent of m.row[0] = [1,2,3] isn't very usual  
>- mostly because there isn't a list literal, I presume)
>> _A_ workaround would be to simply not have indexedproperties
>> be class attributes, instead saying self.whatever =
>> indexedproprty(whatever) in __init__.
>Unfortunately that doesn't work. 

As I found when I tried it. Then I read the docs again a little
more closely...

>Properties get their "magic" when  
>searched in the class namespace - a property set as an instance attribute  
>doesn't behave as a property at all, it's just an attribute as any other.
>>> class Matrix2x2(object):
>>>   def __init__(self):
>>>     self.cells = [[0,0], [0,0]]
>>>   def __setitem__(self, (row, col), value):
>>>     self.cells[row][col] = value
>>>   def __getitem__(self, (row, col)):
>>>     return self.cells[row][col]
>>> class AClass(object):
>>>   def __init__(self):
>>>     self.cell = Matrix2x2()
>> Well, something like this is where I was before coming up with
>> the indexedproperty thing. Unless I'm missing something, which
>> has happened before, what you write above can't work, because
>> self.cell has to know what Matrix2x2 created it so it knows
>> what AClass instance to modify when it's modified. (No, we
>> can't just leave the state information in self.cells; think of the
>> case of a Matrix with a row[] property and also a col[]
>> property - they have to be modifying the data stored in
>> the owning matrix.)
>The above class works fine in the simple cases I tested it - including the  
>bug involving two AClass instances. Adding "row" and "col" views is rather  
>class AClass(object):
>   def __init__(self):
>     self.cell = Matrix2x2()
>     self.row = ViewAsRow(self.cell)
>     self.col = ViewAsCol(self.cell)
>class ViewAsRow(object):
>   def __init__(self, matrix):
>     self.cells = matrix.cells
>   def __getitem__(self, index):
>     return self.cells[index][:]
>   def __setitem__(self, index, row):
>     self.cells[index][:] = row
>class ViewAsCol(object):
>   def __init__(self, matrix):
>     self.cells = matrix.cells
>   def __getitem__(self, index):
>     return [row[index] for row in self.cells]
>   def __setitem__(self, index, col):
>     for row, value in zip(self.cells, col):
>       row[index] = value
>There is no need for the ViewAsCol nor ViewAsRow classes to know they're  
>being used inside an AClass instance. 

Well, no. But they do need to preserve that reference to that
Matrix2x2 object.

>(A better design would avoid to use  
>matrix.cells - but I was constrained by the original Matrix2x2 design that  
>I didn't want to modify.)
>> (again, it doesn't have to be like that in this case,
>> but it does in the case where various "properties"
>> like cells are giving different sorts of access to the
>> same data, which data then has to be stored in AClass.)
>But you may have many references to the *same* data and view it in  
>different ways - you don't have to walk thru the intermediate AClass  
>"container" because AClass doesn't "store" data; the data is "stored" in  
>the list itself, AClass instances only contain the name "cell" bound to  
>the Matrix2x2 object.

Well of course. My point was just that it had to be somewhat
more complicated than the original code you gave if we wanted
to have two views of the same data. 

>In OP terms, all objects in Python act like those inheriting from TObject,  
>not like basic types (numbers, char, string...). An important difference  
>is that Python takes care of automatic object deletion when they're no  
>longer used, but in OP you have to manage the object's lifetime yourself.  
>So in OP it is important *who* owns some object; and sharing a TList  
>instance -by example- isn't so frequent because when the list is freed all  
>its references become invalid (so one needs some kind of notification...)
>In Python, on the other side, many objects may have a reference to the  
>same other one, like the Matrix above - it won't disappear until nobody  
>else references it. This sharing behavior may be a Good Thing or a Bad  
>Thing, depending on the circumstances. By example, the ViewAsRow class  
>above *could* return an actual list from the Matrix2x2 instance, but I  
>choose not to, to emphasize that it's a *view* of the underlying data  
>(else, modifications to the returned list would alter the data itself).
>> And then that's the point to the indexedproperty;
>> the code passing data back and forth doesn't need
>> to be rewritten with each property, it's all done
>> inside the implementation of the indexedproperty
>> class. I realized that I could just use object attributes
>> instead, but it seems to me that indexedproperty
>> encapsulates the data-passing protcol once and for
>> all instead of requiring it to be redone each time.
>I don't understand what you call "data-passing protocol"; as far as I can  
>tell, there is no data-passing, only names refering to the same and unique  
>object instance.

I didn't say what I meant very well. Your ViewAsRow does require
a reference to data held elsewhere; that reference has to be passed
in the constructor and used in __get/setitem__.

I think what I should do is set something up like your thing
above (except that in fact there's no reason for AClass,
it's actually Matrix I care about, AClass just crept into the
discussion because it was in the trivial example in the original),
modified so it stores a list of Row objects instead of a list of

Then concoct an indexedattribute class (ignoring descriptors) 
that lets me say

class Matrix2x2(object)
  def __init__(self, data):
     self.rows = indexedattribute(self.getrow, self.setrow)
     self.cols = indexedattribute(self.getcol, self.setcol)

  def getrow(self, index)

and then compare the two. I suspect that the second
Matrx2x2 is going to be simpler because of things
handled automatically by the indexedattribute class
(counting the code in that class as part of the 
"complexity" doesn't count, since I only write that
class once and get to use it for my matrices and
also my wxGrids...)

Don't hold your breath, I have other things to do
in the next few days. Thanks again for pointing
out the bug in the original. (It might never have
come up - I don't see why I'd use a cell in one
matrix as an index to another matrix. But regardless
it makes the original totally unacceptable, and
if it _did_ come up when I was using it it would
have taken me some time to figure out what the
problem was...)
David C. Ullrich

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